Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In the Dream of the Man that was Dreaming, the Dreamt Man Woke Essay

By traditional definition, perception is anything that can be known through the five senses. However, this quote adds another dimension to the idea about perception. It implies that perception is not dictated by the five senses, but by the brain. If a man perceives something, he has either seen it, heard it, felt it, smelt it, tasted it, or any combination of those. A man knows that a car has crashed because he saw the collision and heard the loud noise. He knows that he likes steak through enjoying its pleasant smell and satisfying taste. In addition, he knows that fire is hot because the nervous system allows him to feel its warmth. However, one usually forgets that it is impossible to use these senses without the brain, which controls each of these perceptions. The quote serves as a supporting reminder of this idea. Arguably, the dreaming man is able to perceive a dreamt man waking up. Yet, he does not necessarily see the man with his own eyes, because his eyelids are shut. He does not hear the dreamt man with his ears; he does not feel the man with his hands, and he certainly doesn’t taste or smell the man. So how is he able to perceive him? He is able to perceive him because his brain still functions, creating the image of the dreamt man waking. Now, the reason why the brain creates the image of the dreamt man is for another paper, about dream interpreting. The quote simply implies that we perceive only what our brain wants us to, and that our brain may even make us perceive what is not reality. It may be possible that we do not always know what is reality even if it is right in front of us. For example, today might feel like a cold day, yet it is still about 50-60 degrees F. However, in the winter months of January and February, a 60 degree day may not feel so cold. In fact, it would even feel warm compared to the usual freezing temperature. This is because the brain interprets what messages are sent through the nervous system, and it tells the body to feel warm because it is used to a colder temperature. Recently, due to the sniper shootings, America’s Most Wanted conducted a study which proved that the brain can affect what a witness may have seen with his or her own eyes. This is a major cause of the inconsistent eyewitness accounts of the shootings. These are just a few examples that prove that perception is under the complete control of the brain. Perception is much more than what the body is able to sense; it is how the brain interprets the information it receives through those senses. Even while the body is in slumber, the brain continues to interpret and create perceptions. Does the brain have a mind of its own?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership Activity

II. Reality Check Author: Tom Siebold is a writer and consultant in Minneapolis. He is also co-owner of Collegegrazing. com–a site to help college bound teens to learn more about what they need and want in a college. Objective (s): To pinpoint actual leadership behavior and to set behavior goals How the author has used this exercise:   I have had success using this exercise as a pre- workshop self-inquiry activity. I have also used it as a homework assignment. Its strength lies in the fact that it paints a picture of actual behavior and then helps the leader see how he or she can redistribute behavior. Activity Description: * Have the participants think about what they actually do on a daily basis. Then ask them to draw generalizations about how they spend their leadership time. Each participant completes the Leadership Behavior Chart below (In blue font). * You can follow up with full group or small group discussion. The central question is this: Is your leadership behavior out of sync with the way that you feel an effective leader should be spending his or her energy? Think about your daily interaction with the people who you lead. Generally speaking, determine the actual behaviors that define that interaction. Using the list of behaviors below, determine the amount of time (in percentages) that you generally spend on each behavior. Then in the second column, determine what you feel would be ideal distribution of time (in percentages). Behavior | Percentage of time spent on each behavior | Ideally the percentage of time you would devote to each behavior | Informing |    |    | Directing |    |    | Clarifying or Justifying |    |    | Persuading |    |    | Collaborating |    |    | Brainstorming or Envisioning |    |    | Reflecting (Quiet Time for Thinking) |    |    | Observing |    |    | Disciplining |    |    | Resolving interpersonal conflicts |    |    | Praising and/or encouraging |    |    | Follow Up Questions 1. Is there a gap between how you should spend your energy and how you actually spend it? 2. Are there some behaviors that are taking up too much of your leadership time? Why? 3. Are there some strategies that you can employ that would move you closer to your ideal distribution of behavior? Options:   A. Some groups may want to calculate behavior totals to see how their peers are spending their energy. B. From the third column it is easy to move into a discussion about â€Å"ideal† leader distribution of energy. C. You may also use this same format with both meeting and team interaction. Added thoughts or considerations: Since this activity helps participants see what they are actually doing, it helps them translate leadership theory into real behavior. Once participants review their charts it is easier for them to design strategies to align their leadership behavior. –Return to Top– III. Your Leadership Calendar Author: Tom Siebold is a writer and consultant in Minneapolis. He is also co-owner of Collegegrazing. com–a site to help college bound teens to learn more about what they need and want in a college. Objective (s): To extend leadership learning beyond the workshop. How the author has used this exercise:   This exercise is a good follow up or homework activity. Activity Description: Ask the participants to mark twelve different days on their calendar spread out over four or six months. At the end of each marked day, participants should write down some leadership behavior (either positive or negative) that they exercised during that day. Each behavior should be followed by a reaction statement that answers two questions: â€Å"How did I feel about my action or behavior? †Ã‚   and   â€Å"How does this action or behavior jive with what I know about leadership best practices? Options:   On each marked day, the participant can send his or her personal leadership comments to a selected partner from the original workshop. This is a good method for accountability and feedback. Added thoughts or considerations: I almost always use the strategy in the Options section above. When people leave the workshop, they get caught up in daily mainten ance and frequently don't get around to doing the follow up exercises. By having them contact a selected partner from the workshop, it puts a little pressure on them to follow through. –Return to Top– IV. Leadership Dance Card Author: Tom Siebold is a writer and consultant in Minneapolis. He is also co-owner of Collegegrazing. com–a site to help college bound teens to learn more about what they need and want in a college. Objective (s): To encourage participants to talk to one another about specific leadership best practices How the author has used this exercise:   Very simply, I use this activity to get participants to share best practices. This format will work with almost any professional topic. Activity Description: Each leader has his or her own style of leadership. Some styles will work for you while others won’t. In this activity participants mix with the full group and sign up the names of three other participants on their â€Å"interview dance card. †Ã‚   Then during a set period of time (this may be done over an extended break or even a lunch period) participants seek out their â€Å"dance partners† to conduct a short leadership interview. They ask each other a set of questions provided by the facilitator and record the responses. Below are some leadership interview questions that I have used in this activity: 1. How do you motivate your reports? 2. How do you keep your reports meaningfully informed? 3. How do you maintain your team's focus on specific goals? 4. How do you set, clarify, and hold your reports accountable to   your expectations? 5. How do you recognize successful work? Note: you may want to restrict each interview to one or two questions depending on the amount of time you want to devote to this activity. When the full group reconvenes, the facilitator asks participants to share leadership tips and strategies that they picked up in their interviews. The facilitator may want to make a master list of these to pass out later. Options:   Have the group brainstorm for interview questions to be used in the interviews. Added thoughts or considerations: This activity serves many purposes: it gets the participants moving around, it connects people, and it is an efficient strategy to share best practices. –Return to Top– V. Center Stage Author: Tom Siebold is a writer and consultant in Minneapolis. He is also co-owner of Collegegrazing. com–a site to help college bound teens to learn more about what they need and want in a college. Objective (s): To visualize different leadership styles How the author has used this exercise:   If the group is comfortable with one another, a role playing activity can have some impact. I have used this activity to set up my   information about leadership styles. However, this same format can be used with a variety of different topics. Activity Description: Ask for four volunteers. One volunteer plays the role of a   team member who recently has missed meetings or arrived late. The other three volunteers each play the role of a different kind of leader. To save time I usually give the leader volunteers a personality trait from which they can create their persona: the by-the-book leader, the self-absorbed leader, the paternalistic leader, the softy, the blamer, the lecturer, the know-it-all, etc. Allow the volunteers to have some time to think about their role. Gather the full group in a circle and place two chairs in the middle. In turn, have each leader confront the team member. Explain the situation to the group before the role playing begins: Loren, the late team member, has not only been missing meetings or arriving late, he has also appeared to be very tired and disjointed. Some team members have suggested that Loren’s wife is ill, but others say the situation is rooted with Loren himself. As a leader, what is a good way to handle Loren? After all three scenarios have been played out, ask the full group to comment on the different leadership approaches—What worked? What could the leaders have done differently? How would the â€Å"ideal† leader handle this situation? This activity is a good spring board to exploring different leadership styles. Options:   You may want to have the full group identify three different role playing situations. Added thoughts or considerations: I try to check with some of the participants before the workshop begins to see if the group would be comfortable or willing to engage in a role playing activity. -Return to Top– VI. Leaders you Admire Author: Tom Siebold is a writer and consultant in Minneapolis. He is also co-owner of Collegegrazing. com–a site to help college bound teens to learn more about what they need and want in a college. Objective (s): To seek leadership characteristics through personal experience How the author has used this exercise:   I ha ve found stories to be a powerful way for participants to connect to the workshop subject matter. Generally people like to tell and hear stories. Activity Description: Divide the group into small groups. Ask participants to share a story about the best or most influential leader that they have encountered. After each story, identify leadership characteristics by asking the question: â€Å"What was it that made this person such an effective leader? †   Then as a group, identify the traits that all the leaders seemed to share. All groups then write the shared traits on a white board. You can use this traits list as a springboard to explore more about what makes a good leader. Options:   You can ask the groups to share stories about the worst leaders they have encountered. You will get some dandy stories. Added thoughts or considerations: I like to insert an activity like this into a workshop when participants are starting to run a little low on energy. A good story swap frequently revives energy. Be sure not to drag this activity out too long. Encourage the participants to include details in their leadership examples. –Return to Top– VII. Leadership Swap Author: Tom Siebold is a writer and consultant in Minneapolis. He is also co-owner of Collegegrazing. com–a site to help college bound teens to learn more about what they need and want in a college. Objective (s): To exchange leadership ideas and build participant rapport How the author has used this exercise:   Sometimes it is helpful to allow the participants to have some time just to swap leadership examples. In short they have some time to portray their own leadership style by giving examples. Activity Description: This activity is a structured leadership example exchange. Divide the group into groups of three. From the list of â€Å"situations† below, instruct the groups to take turns giving examples of something they have done or witnessed. Leadership Situations * A creative twist on a situation or issue. * A clever improvisation–â€Å"dancing on your feet† * A pleasant surprise * An Aha moment * Something that generated a great deal of excitement * A conflict resolved * A breakthrough insight or solution * A really tough situation * A blindside experience * A moving (emotional) situation Options:   You may want the groups to identify their own Leadership Situations Added thoughts or considerations: Remember that this is a set up activity, so don't let it go on too long.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Big Time Toy Maker Essay Example for Free

Big Time Toy Maker Essay Chou and BTT had a contract at the point they agreed to all the terms. By including the obligations of the parties and the terms of the agreement, the manager showed objective intent. A written contract was not necessary since this was a contract primarily dealing with services to distribute the game, not a production contract or a sales contract. Had it involved a goods contract to buy or sell, which under the Statutes of Frauds would not be a contract until all the terms were laid out in writing; that occurred when the manager from BTT emailed the terms which would have included his electronic signature and thus would have sealed the contract between the two. Also, if the contract is under common law, then the mailbox rule would say it went into effect when it was sent, not received. What facts may weigh in favor of or against Chou in terms of the parties’ objective intent? There are a few facts that weigh in favor of Chou. First, three days prior to the end of the 90 day exclusive negotiation rights agreement, they reached an oral agreement and then shortly thereafter, a business email from a BTT management representative was sent to Chou with the specifics of the agreement. The email stated â€Å"that all of the terms had been agreed upon. † BTT also subsequently requested Chou to send them a draft distribution contract spelling out the specifics of the agreement that the email from the BBT manager sent to Chou. Finally, distribution of Strat would have exceeded the 500. 00 limit (Amended UCC  § 2-201(1)) of the Statute of Frauds. The fact that may weigh against Chou is that the contract never had an actual signature on it. Does the fact that the parties were communicating by e-mail have any impact on your analysis in questions 1 and 2? Yes, communication via email in today’s business world is considered a normal mode of business communication. The UETA, the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act states that electronic correspondence is a valid form of communications while conducting business, and that electronic signatures and documentation satisfy the need for written records or signatures. When the terms and specifics of the agreement were laid out via email and both parties agreed upon the agreement through email, it then became a written agreement, and therefore enforceable. What role does the statute of frauds play in this contract? None, since it is a services contract for distribution rights. The Statute of Frauds only comes into play if it is a goods contract. If it is deemed by the court to be a goods contract then the written requirement, the all terms included requirement and the signed by the sender all have been met by the email with its electronic signature of the manager representing BTT. Could BTT avoid this contract under the doctrine of mistake? Explain. Would either party have any other defense that would allow the contract to be avoided? No, since a mistake is required to involve a â€Å"basic† assumption involving the terms on which the contract was made. BTT would not try to argue that they were mistaken on the price, time frame and obligations of both parties since their manager had sent an email stating that both parties where in agreement in all those areas. Generally, in the absence of disagreement on one or several of the essential terms, the courts will not allow a unilateral Mistake to be considered and expects mutual mistake. Chou might try to avoid the contract if he had a better offer he could just let the matter be dropped since BTT wanted out of the contract Assuming, arguendo, that this e-mail does constitute an agreement, what consideration supports this agreement? Chou would benefit by having his product distributed for sale throughout the network of retail and wholesale outlets that BTT as a board game company had at their disposal. BTT would benefit by charging their cut for distributing the game to these outlets. At the end of the scenario, BTT states that it is not interested in distributing Chou’s new strategy game, Strat. Assuming BTT and Chou have a contract, and BTT has breached the contract by not distributing the game, discuss what remedies might or might not apply. Compensatory damages – Chou could recover actual out of pocket which may include the original $25,000 due to BBT not acting in good faith but would also include loss of estimated potential profits. b. Specific Performance – Since this is a services contract the court may order BTT because of their total breach to fulfill their obligation to distribute the game OR substitute performance under the doctrine of accord and satisfaction where they might agree to product the game instead of distribute it OR they could agree to a discharge through novation where BTT finds an acceptable 3rd party who agrees to distribute the game. . Delegation – BTT could substitute another company to distribute the game but as delegator BTT would still be liable if their delegate failed to perform. d. Injunctive Relief – The court could issue and injunction forbidding BTT from distributing a similar game, producing a similar game or financially benefiting from a similar game to pr otect Chou from suffering due to their intimate knowledge and trade secrets relating to the disclosures during initial negotiations. Big Time Toy Maker. (2018, Oct 23).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The impact of implementation of IFRS on UK companies. a case study of Dissertation

The impact of implementation of IFRS on UK companies. a case study of M&S - Dissertation Example The published papers with reference to the implementation by the accounting bodies, institutions and the journals have been analyzed for this purpose. In addition to the company specific impact of implementation of IFRS, the effect of changes in the accounting policies has also been analyzed generally in a comprehensive manner. Adoption of the fair value model of accounting as against the established traditional accounting practices based on the historic cost method would be counterproductive especially in the case of intangible or financial assets with huge fluctuations in valuations on day to day basis. It is concluded that as the implementation of IFRS results into inflation of profits, the predominant causes of such overstatement shall be dealt with to avoid its negative effects on the corporate governance through national debate. Contents Page Introduction Research Aim Research Objectives Terms of Reference Background Literature Review Benefits of harmonisation or Reasons underl ying the adoption of IFRS in the UK and Europe Implications for UK Companies adopting IFRS The first time adoption of IFRS Research Methodology Analysis, Discussion and Findings Disclosure under IFRS Fair valuation Conclusions/Recommendations References Appendices Introduction International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has issued International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) of the IASB has issued interpretations for this purpose. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) are considered a ‘principles-based’ set of standards establishing broad based rules rather than dictating specific treatments. All major countries have been moving towards IFRS regime and the implementations in different countries are at different stages. Many national and international institutions require public companies listed in the stock exchanges, banks and insurance companies to adopt IFRS for statu tory reports. In the near future, most of the companies and their subsidiaries worldwide are expected to be covered under IFRS. Apart from the listing requirements or statutory reporting, financial institutions lending to these companies, government bodies and national and international corporations stipulate compliance with IFRS to fulfill their obligations in respect of financial reporting for the purpose of approvals or licensing. Ian D Wright, Chairman of Financial Reporting Committee of the Institute of the Chartered Accounts of England and Wales said in 2002: "The Institute has supported the European Commission through a lengthy political process to see this Regulation come into effect because we believe passionately in the benefits to business of truly international accounting standards." (ICAEW, 2011) Convergence in financial reporting hinges on the consistency between the country accounting standards and IAS. In March 2004, the ASB issued a ‘Strategy for Convergence o f UK GAAP with IAS’. (CIMA, 2006) It is in this backdrop, the paper seeks to study and analyze the issues related to the impact of implementation of IFRS on UK companies and with reference to M&S in respect of the following: Research Questions 1. What are the impacts of implementation of IFRS generally and on statement of profits? 2. What are the impacts of the disclosure under IFRS? 3. What is the impact of adoption of value model as against the historic cost model in the implementation of

Locate a scholarly article describing an applied or mixed-methods Essay

Locate a scholarly article describing an applied or mixed-methods approach to research, preferably a research article where this - Essay Example and (2) what are the internal and external factors which seem to impact new product success and failure? (Wei & Morgan 377)1. On the other hand, for the quantitative strand, the research questions focused on the following hypotheses: (1) A firm’s market orientation is associated positively with its new product performance; (2) The supportiveness of a firm’s organization climate is associate positively with its market orientation; and (3) The supportiveness of a firm’s organizational climate is associated positively with its new product performance (Wei & Morgan 378, 379)2. The study adapted a mixed-methodology called sequential exploratory mixed-methods research design. As explained in Hesse-Biber, in this type of mixed-methods design, â€Å"the qualitative component is primary and is used to generate theory or specific theoretical constructs† (71). In this study, the qualitative strand was utilized in theory development and the quantitative strand was use d in the testing of three hypotheses.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Active LNG 4 & 5 CRJ 520II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Active LNG 4 & 5 CRJ 520II - Essay Example Yes, Motivational Interviewing should be taught to all Probation Officers including those with years of experience on the field of corrections. This should be done through training workshops. The training should focus on strengthening core skills, role play, and coaching. The trainers should have prior experience with probation services and on the field of corrections. According to Clark, Walters, Gingerich and Metzler (2006), Motivational Interviewing brings officers back into the "business of behavior change." Probation officers become enforcers of court orders, but not active participants in the offenders behavioral change. Motivational Interviewing helps probation officers to build a positive and collaborative relationship with offenders. This creates an atmosphere of trust where offenders can express themselves and talk about change (Clark, 2006) Motivational Interviewing trains probation officers in basic listening and speaking strategies such as ask open questions, affirm positive talk and behavior, reflect what you are hearing and seeing and summarize what has been said. This technique enables probation officer to gather information about offenders such as their personal strength and assist them in planning (Clark, 2006). Motivational Interviewing encourages officers to be honest with offenders about supervision and sanctions should they go wrong. Clark, M.D., Walters, S., Gingerich, R. & Metzler, M.(2006). Importance, Confidence and Readiness to Change: Motivational Interviewing for probation and parole. Journal of American Probation and Parole Association. 30(1), 37-45 The ability to conduct Motivational Interviewing is one of the essential skills of a Probationary Officer because it facilitates the "business of behavior change." While Probationary Officers may not be the active personnel to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Business Plan - Essay Example Student Fast Food (SFF) is a small fast food outlet, working in Cambridge for five years, and now intends to transform itself into a proper pizza hut by means of innovative and resourceful strategies. Presently the point, registered with Department of Food and Live Stock, is offering few local fast food items to the students and general public. Generation of revenue and profit is the main purpose of SFF. Since it’s a service provider unit, therefore, customer service is the base of its existence. Our aim is to become the first choice of the customers and make them staying with us again and again. UK fast food is the largest fast food industry in Europe which is double and triple in size than Germany and French markets respectively. The expenditures have been increased since the start of 21st century in UK. "The UK fast food market grew by 5.2% and reached a value of $2.2 billion in 2008" (Datamonitor, August, 2009). The diversified cultures of UK along with various cultural tastes have put a significant impact on pizza industry. The main contributory items of fast food industry are sandwiches (Greggs, Subway, and Thurstens), burgers (McDonalds and Burger King), chicken (KFC), and pizza (Pizza Hut and Domino). In terms of catering and hospitality, the burger sector is leading that had revenue of  £9.33 billion in 2008. This revenue was 4.2% greater than the previous year and it was 22.2% of the total fast food market. By including the business of coffee shops, the revenue would reach  £11.22 billion, greater than 4.4% of the year 2007. The global turndown of 2008 has bene fited the UK fast food industry as it has increased its presence by 8% in 2009 as compared to the last year ( Similarly fast food restaurant has also increased by 8.2% in ten major cities of UK within one year.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Diffusion of innovation theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diffusion of innovation theory - Essay Example Complexity connotes the extent to which the usage and understanding the simplicity of an innovation appear difficult. Youths are picking up essential technological and social skills that they need to contribute fully to contemporary society (Clark, 2011). Erecting barriers to communication deprives the youths of access to these forms of learning. Youths could benefit from educators being more open to forms of experimentation and social exploration that are not characteristic of educational institutions. The content, way of relating and skills that youths value are highly variable dependent on what type of social groups they associate with (Boyd, 2007). This diversity in forms of literature means that it is problematic to develop a standardized set of benchmarks to measure new levels of media and technical literacy. Both Guttenberg and Martin Luther faced great opposition from the religious authorities of the time and took the bold step to use mass production as an effective tool for evangelization. Through the power of the press, religious leaders like Martin Luther managed to spread the Word amidst widespread opposition and condemnation from the mainstream church (Crosby, 2012). Through the use of the press, Martin Luther was able to lead the Reformation and evangelize to the masses. The Reformation was a time of dramatic religious dissent during which various church groups broke away from the dominating Catholic Church.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hitlers Table Talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hitlers Table Talk - Essay Example Moscow, will soon disappear unless its riches such as historical sculptures are made secured. The nature of God – Every person has feelings for the Almighty. Priests threatens that those people will be punished who refuses His existence. It is a being where everyone can get a refuge and help in case of unhappiness. One should consider a habit to believe in Him. Russians will probably face death, as they don’t believe in God. Christianity. Islam and Roman Empire – Christianity bought a soul to man’s life. Islam would have not been evolved without Christianity. Roman Empire which was in German influence would have gone in the direction of world domination and humanity would not have been existed even after fifteen centuries of civilization. One of the heaviest blows that stuck humanity was Christianity. In England, individual status in relation to Church is handled by the state, while in America it is a matter of conformism. Luther, Dante and Mussolini - If Marxism has been mixed with Mussolini, one would not have been able to succeed in the period of National Socialism. Language of Dante and Luther arose against the desires of papacy. Luther was used as a merit against the church and the pope. It was one of the first great revolutions. Luther also replaced the translation of Bible in a great German language. Friendship with England – Hitler believed that Germany should do friendship with English and finish the war among them. It is only possible if the Englishman will live in peace with them and have respect for the people who had knocked them out firstly and it is quite certain that in future England will not be able to sustain without the support of Germany. Rumania. British- US rivalries – In the world German army is best and a German soldier is sounder as compared to any other solider. However, SS have suffered great losses due to its

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

EU Initiatives for Contribution to Health and Safety of Workers Coursework

EU Initiatives for Contribution to Health and Safety of Workers - Coursework Example Contributions were made from the member states of the European Union. There was a focus on indicators of health and safety strategies including the extent and costs of occupational injuries and ill health, legislative arrangements, inspection, preventive services, and arrangements for participative management of health and safety and insurance systems. EU HSE directives and specific applications have been reviewed. Hazard has been defined as something such as an object, property of a substance, or a phenomenon or an activity that can cause adverse effects. For example, the breathing of asbestos can cause lung cancer. Risk has been defined as the likelihood that a hazard will actually cause adverse effects, and the effects can be measured. The interpretation is in two parts. Likelihoods are expressed as probabilities, frequencies or in a qualitative way. Effects are described in some measurable way (HSE, 2010). SFAIRP is defined as â€Å"so far as is reasonably practicable† or â€Å"reasonably practicable.† The HSE Act has led to legislation for duty holders to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable. It is a statutory obligation that has to be carried out in the light of current knowledge if it is feasible, irrespective of cost or difficulty. The term requires a cost-benefit analysis to be used while determining actions that have to be taken in response to identified risks or comparison is to be carried out in similar circumstances. The preventive measures should be commensurate with the magnitude of risk (Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2009). SFAIRP is also defined as â€Å"it can be done, it must be done â€Å"or â€Å"practicable.† It is a statutory liability in health and safety legislation. The legislation may be absolute or qualified by expressions for ensuring â€Å"practicability.† The courts make a determination as to whether duty holders have complied with their obligations.

Aspect of family in the film Pushing Hands Essay Example for Free

Aspect of family in the film Pushing Hands Essay Family has been depicted as one of the most important aspects in a number of films. Notably, many people believe in family as the most useful unifying aspect among various groups. In China, for instance, family is considered to be among the factors that individuals need to hold so dear to them. Various movies have been produced with the aspect of family being given weight in the movies. In addition, the cultural aspect of family has also been seen to be a factor that most individuals consider to be highly imperative in bringing to life the movies in question. This paper seeks to carry out an analytical interpretation of the aspect of family in the film Pushing Hands. In every family, father-to-son relationship is often seen as factor that is quite essential in bringing together the various family members. In addition, when the father and the son are at logger-heads, family unity is at a point of jeopardy and might escalate to highly detrimental scales. Apart from securing a unified family, father to son relationship is always considered a great aspect, especially in Chinese culture. In addition, most parents struggle to ensure that their children do not go against the immortal cultural values that each group is inclined to. Particularly, Chinese parents often want to see their sons embrace the Confucian cultural values even if they are in other countries (Huang, 2000). In line with family relationships between a father and a son, the film Pushing Hands seek to bring to the audience the idea of how westernization has affected family cultural values for the Chinese. Furthermore, the father (Mr. Chu) disagrees with his son Alex on the various family issues and cultural differences between the life in the United States and life in his home town Beijing, China. The film portrays the father son relationship as a cultural factor that should not be taken for granted and as an element that is highly significant in Chinese cultural aspects. As such, the script writer of the film has ensured that the film uses the best characters to bring out the issues of father-son relationship and the elements associated with the cultural differences between those living in the western countries and those living in China. Mr. Chu (Sihung Lung) who is an elderly man has fully devoted the wider portion of his life to the aspect of studying and teaching other learners tai chi in China. As a result of old age and the desire to be closer to his family, he makes up his mind to move in and stay with his son who is in the United States. However, having lived his entire life in Beijing, China, the elderly man finds it hard to cope with the different cultural factors in the United States. On the other hand, his son Alex (Bo Z. Wang) has been living in New York City for quite some time and has partly been affected by western cultural aspects which are totally different from the Chinese way of life and Tai Chi teachings (Hua-feng, 2013).One of the major family challenges that greatly affect the father and the son is the fact that the father arrives in New York without knowing any English word. In addition, the son is highly Americanized that it would be hard for the father to understand him. Besides, Alex has a w ife named Martha (Deb Snyder) who is a writer dealing with the pressure of trying to make sure she publishes her first novel, apart from taking care of her six-year-old kid. Mr. Chu faces the challenge of being totally at odds with a number of American customs and various technological factors. Furthermore, Mr. Chu cannot walk in New York alone as he easily loses his way. Since Mr. Chu is completely dumb on various factors in the American way of life, Martha begins to feel irritated with the fact that she might be taking care of two children. This is because the elderly Mr. Chu has to be taught everything as a child. While staying with his son, Mr. Chu develops a feeling that he has lost his dignity and independence thereby making the relationship between him and the son more challenging. Eventually, the elderly father tries to work things out on his own and look for a job. However, the harder he attempts to fit in the American culture and make New York look like his home, the more unfamiliar he seems to be. The elderly Mr. Chu feels lost in a different culture at a time when his son is feeling at home and has no issues being seen as an Americanized Chinese. The differences in cultural affiliations make the relationship between Mr. Chu and his son extremely difficult (Chan, 2004). The significance of the issues of father to son relationship in a family is highly relevant in the wider cultural context. The complexity in the relationship that is brought by different adaptation techniques to distinct cultures give the audience the most appropriate ways through which culture can be viewed in a wider perspective. The title is highly appropriate as it tries to bring out the facts about pushing an individual to conform to a cultural affiliation that is totally different from their original culture. In the non-aggressive turn of events between the father and the son, it is apparent that cultural fidelity is hard to break, and even if one does break it, it has to take quite a long time. The aspect of cultural conflict is an element that keeps on making various family ties broken hence making it difficult for the individuals involved to foster unity between themselves (Zhang, 2002). In the book From ‘Minority Film’ to â€Å"minority Discourse,’† Screening China, Zhang (2002) asserts that cultural aspects such as ethnicity and race play a major role in ensuring that family ties are kept alive. In addition, he argues that failure to stick to the family ties would lead to cultural conflicts. This cultural conflict is the main element that Master Chu find himself in and creates an internal misunderstanding in his cognitive thoughts. Even though his daughter-in-law totally misunderstood him, making him feel discontent and disgraced, the elderly Chu made sure that his efforts to cope up with American culture were kept alive. When he finally disagrees with his son over alleged mistreatment from the wife, he decides to gracefully have his way and walk out of the house. Consequently, after going his own way, Mr. Chu finds his own niche where he can have no one minding about his inclination to Chinese way of life. In conclusion, family and cultu re have been depicted as some of the most important aspects that need to be considered in learning cultural factors. Besides, culture has been seen as a major defining factor when it comes to association and togetherness. References Chan, K. (2004). The global return of the wu xia pian (Chinese sword-fighting movie): Ang Lees Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  Cinema Journal,  43(4), 3-17. Hua-feng, L. I. (2013). Contradiction and Harmony of Family Ideas between China and America Reflected in the Movie, Pushing Hands.  Journal of Yunyang Teachers College,  2, 018.Huang, S. (2000). Ten thousand businesses would thrive in a harmonious family: Chinese conflict resolution styles in cross-cultural families.  Intercultural Communication Studies,  9(2), 129-144. Zhang Yingjin, (2002). â€Å"From ‘Minority Film’ to â€Å"minority Discourse,’† Screening China (73-90) Source document

Monday, July 22, 2019

Postmodern Social Theory Essay Example for Free

Postmodern Social Theory Essay Postmodern social theory is a field which is both difficult to define and rejects being defined. Postmodern theory is largely concerned with the ways our perceptions and reality are constructed. Postmodern social theory is a field of diverse and at times contradictory ideas that try to describe the relations of characters to society of the infrastructures and information age. Social reality is distinct from objective reality and individual subjective reality because it refers to the socially constructed nature of most of our shared institutions, beliefs and values. Social reality can be thought of as the sum of the social constructs in a society, or as the result of the social interactions between individuals within a society. Various authors have pursued to overcome this difficulty by trusting on common characteristics of various postmodern theories; also others have defined the field by those who work in it. Many have evaded any attempts to define it at all. Nevertheless of which of these methods one takes, however, there is no denying that postmodern social theory was at one time a booming presence in sociology. Despite this â€Å"death† of postmodern theory, however, its short life has had profound effects on the way social theorists do theory, and I think that it will, in no doubt, continue to have such an effect for a long time to come. There is also no denying that that time has passed and that now postmodern social theory is little more than a memory of a past era in social thought. Conclusion Postmodern social theory discards the desires and skills of modern social theory, moving away from grand descriptions, rational theorizing and towards a deconstruction of general truths, a decentering that is attuned to difference and locality.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Laser And Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Laser And Intense Pulsed Light Therapy The focus of this assignment is to examine the current legislations applicable to an establishment of a laser or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) practice within England. The aim is to demonstrate an understanding of the current market and undertake a critical review and evaluation of the range of equipment for the removal of hair and skin enhancement. The equipment is to include treatment of photo rejuvenation, acne and vascular abnormalities. The discussion points will outline the key requirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in registering the use of IPL or laser treatments in a beauty clinic. It is vital to undertake a critical review of the latest advances in laser or IPL equipment on the market, including the types of conditions they can treat, and to ensure the equipment covers skin types 1 to 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale. When consider purchasing IPL or laser equipment for a new clinic discuss what factors need to be consider when selecting appropriate systems. Methodology The methods used to gain information regarding this assignment were secondary from books and websites. By using the search engine Google and taking information from books data was gathered to put this assignment together. Also primary research was carried out when discussing, with other managers, the registration process and equipment used within their establishment. Findings Outline the key requirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in registering premises for the use of IPL or laser equipment. In April 2009 the CQC took over the Healthcare Commission and is established under the Health and Social Care Act (2008). The CQC outline specific standards that are adhered to by each type of independent healthcare provider such as non surgical cosmetic procedures including IPL. By law, certain establishments and agencies providing healthcare in the independent sector must be regulated by the Care Quality Commission (Care Quality Commission, 2009) it is the duty of the CQC to ensure the equipment is properly maintained and all staff involved in the use of the machinery are fully trained to operate it. This is to maintain standards of health and safety towards members of staff and clients. This includes annual checks on the establishments and paper work that includes training certificates and records of clients undergoing treatment. Before beginning the registration process there are requirements that a manager undergoes to ensure the process is dealt with efficiently. These include the set up of the treatment room, customer complaints policy, a statement of purpose, and a medical report, all of which should be written and documented to show proof to the CQC. When setting up a treatment room for the purpose of laser or IPL the area must be suitable for the procedure which includes no reflective surfaces, a cool cabinet or fridge, a treatment bed, room for the machine to manoeuvre, equipment for performing the treatment, razors and a sharps box. The lighting must be to a high standard and a lock on the door means no one could potentially walk in during the treatment. This is to ensure all health and safety measures have been taken to provide a safe working environment. Risk assessment of the laser controlled area is vital and needs to be updated yearly or when any new equipment is acquired. The risk assessment includes PAT testing, treatment room standards, COSHH on the products used and the appropriate health and safety guidelines. When applying to register for the first time the manager must first read the guidance on applying for registration. It is compulsory to complete application forms R1 and R1SOP, along with a self-assessment form available from the CQC website. If it is required to have a registered manager, the form R1A needs to also be completed. When apply for registration, there is a non-refundable application fee. A series of other information is required to fill out the forms mentioned above, which includes a copy of the applicants birth certificate, any certificates of a change of name, a recent passport photograph, a copy of certificates relating to any relevant professional qualification obtained, a copy of each applicants up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV), a medical report, two personal references and a pre-interview self-assessment questionnaire should be filled out sent to the CQC. A statement of purpose consists of information on the intention of the equipment; this should be outlined and u p dated when necessary and a copy should be sent to the CQC. The registration process cannot start until the appropriate fee has been submitted for laser and IPL from then on annual fees are applied. The registration process can then take eight to twelve weeks to complete. Key staff involved in the process of laser and IPL include the manager and owners of the business and the staff who will be operating the machinery. Staff training can be provided by appointed Colleges that have the facilities, alternatively when buying the machinery specific companies provide training. For staff to be eligible for training the minimum qualification is NVQ level 3 or equivalent in the Beauty sector. This is to ensure the therapists using the equipment have a high standard of anatomy and physiology. It is imperative that the employees are trained to a high standard as the equipment can be dangerous. It is the managers responsibility to ensure all therapists are competent and trained in the equipment before providing treatments. The policies needed to ensure the correct standards are maintained include consultation forms, records clinical controls and client protocols. It is the responsibility of the manager and all employees to maintain current accurate records of clients medical history, skin conditions and personal information and to ensure they are signed by both the client and the member of staff performing the treatment. Undertake a critical review of the latest advances in laser and IPL equipment on the market and the types of conditions they can treat. Ensure work covers equipment for skin types 1 to 6 Laser and IPL machines are ever advancing with technology. This provides companies with up to date knowledge and expertise which can enhance the treatments given and adapt to new ones. It is important to discover clients needs and expectations to find a treatment that can help with the majority of concerns. Research is obtained to ensure the products produced will have an impact and be successful. It is vital that the equipment chose by a business appeals to the majority of clients. As there are many different skin types the machinery has a Fitzpatrick Scale (see fig 1) the equipment should cater for all 6 skin types on the chart. The equipment neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet; Nd:Y3Al5O12 (ND:Yag) and IPL are the only pieces of equipment that work on all 6 skin types of the Fitzpatrick Scale. See Appendix 5 for a table on a wide range of products that use laser and IPL. This table shows the ND:Yag and IPL equipment is versatile and adaptable to accommodate all skin types. Appendix 1 shows a comparison of the equipment which demonstrates the qualities and uses. It is shown that the IPL works on the upper layers of the skin to aid with skin rejuvenation and hair removal amongst other treatments. IPL treatments are well established and have had many studies and independent surveys performed on them. ND:Yag is the new technology so it does not have all information on long term affects and results. This equipment works on the lower layers of the skin and hair follicle to enhance the treatment. The ND:Yag provides treatments for acne treatment and works more effectively on darker skin types. Lynton are a leading recognised company in the UK providing equipment for the use of hair removal and skin rejuvenation using IPL Laser and ND:Yag technology. Lumina is a piece of equipment that is versatile and works on many skin conditions (see appendix 3) and has options to select from Intense Pulsed Light only or Intense Pulsed Light with laser. This piece of equipment is high powered for fast results and has the flexibility and adaptability to perform well in most businesses. The Lightseries is a piece of equipment that has the latest multifunctional Alexandrite technology (see appendix 4) to perform treatments similar to the Lumina. Both machines have benefits to the business and it would be down to the manager to decide which would be most suitable to the individual clientele. Consider purchasing IPL or laser equipment for a new clinic, include what factors need to consider when selecting appropriate systems When a manager decides to invest in a new piece of machinery there are many factors that need to be considered to ensure the purchase it suitable for the business. There are many points to a new piece of machinery including, latest technology, design, cost and function which need to be researched. Demonstrations from the different companys to provide presentations on the information gathered on the product can be invaluable to making a decision on where to invest. This provides an opportunity for the manager to see the machinery, packages, ask all questions and see a presentation on the results. It is important to gather all information and have written proof of offers; this provides some security with facts and figures, to refer to at a later stage. The company providing the machinery needs to be reputable and information on the companys back ground can be fundamental to evaluate whether an investment is worthy. The longer the company and product have been established can make impact on a managers decision. The company need to provide a good basis of knowledge and results of the equipment to prove its functionality. Independent studies are effective in sourcing information on a product and confirming results produced. Questions such as how likely the machine is to break down, and if it does how easily is it to call out an engineer and have the parts available for replacement should be clearly outlined by the company. It is vital to know how many engineers are close by, how often does it need servicing and how much time will this take away from clients receiving treatments. What is the contingency plan of the company, what happens when it does not go according to plan and how efficient and proactive are the company at providing r esults. What organisations are the company affiliated with and what customer support is provided will prove to a manager that the company are committed to the success of a business. The machine needs to suit a certain criteria including size, design, mobility, presentation and function. The function of the machine needs to appeal to the majority of clients skin types and conditions. From an accounts point of view cost is an important issue. How much are the start up costs, replacement parts, how much are servicing costs and how often are they performed. Profit needs to be considered as to how much could the machinery make for the business, how long before a return will be seen and how much will the marketing and advertising cost. The manager will asses staff training, what is required, how often and where the training will be carried out. The company should explain if the training is an additional cost or included in the cost of the equipment or package. With all of this information a manager can make an informed decision on the investment. Conclusion To summarise, the first task was to research the process of obtaining the permission of the CQC to provide laser and IPL treatments. The legislation process involves a lot of paperwork, time and effort. This venture takes planning and determination from a manager and thorough meticulous, attention to detail. The outcome of the assignment is to show understanding of the different companies that provide equipment and the types of equipment available. With good understanding of what is involved in the decision process a manager can make an informed choice of what is suitable for the business needs. From a managers point of view the information gathered can be the deciding factor on whether or not to invest in such a venture. From this assignment I found it interesting to look at the tasks from a managers point of view and reflect on what I may consider doing in the future to encourage expanding the treatment range available to clients. Bibliography ABC lasers (2010) Home (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Aesthetic lasers (2010) IPL and Laser (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Alma Lasers (2009) Alma Lasers (online) available from accessed accessed 28th October 2009 Bickmore, R.H( 2004) Miladys Hair Removal techniques British Medical Laser Association (2010) Medical Laser Resource (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Care Quality Commission (2010) Laser Lights (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Eden Aesthetics (2010) Products (online) available from accessed 29 the November 2009 Ellipse (2010) Ellipse Micro light (online) available from accessed 13th February 2010 Goldberg, D. (2000), Laser Hair Removal. Martin Dunitz, London Godfrey, S. (2002), Principles and Practice of Electrical Epilation. Butterworth Heineman Lanigan, W.S. (2000) Lasers in Dermatology. London Springer Verlag Ltd. Lucid Training (2010) Core Knowledge (online) available from accessed 13th February 2010 Reference Aesthetic lasers (2010) IPL and Laser (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Care Quality Commission (2010) Laser Lights (online) available from accessed 13th February 2010 Care Quality Commission (2010) Guidance on applying for Registration (online) available from accessed 13th February 2010 Care Quality Commission (2009) Guidance for Professionals (online) available from accessed 28th October 2009 Laser hair removal review(2009) Fitzpatrick Scale (online) available from accessed 29 the November 2009 Lynton (2010) Lumina (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Appendix Appendix 1 YAG 1064 nm Lasers Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Devices Applications Hair Removal, Photo rejuvenation, Skin Tightening, Active Acne treatment, Telangiectasias (spider veins), Rosacea, Sun Age Spots, Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. Hair Removal, Photo rejuvenation, Sun Age Spots, Rosacea. Efficacy High power to dermis: more energy to follicles, vessels, collagen, sebaceous glands. High power absorption in epidermis: less energy to deep dermal structures. Comfort Less painful due to shorter pulse durations. Painful due to tendency to super heat epidermal melanin. Skin cooling gels or equipment needed. Risk of Side Effects Safe on all Skin Types. all Skin Types. Consumables Few or none. Frequent head replacements (on average after 30,000 pulses), filters and gels annual cost $5,000-$10,000. Aesthetic lasers (2010) IPL and Laser (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010 Appendix 2 Lynton New Product information company equipment description use Lynton LP YAG HANDPIECE long pulsed Nd:YAG to add to a LUMINA base system hair removal for darker skin, skin rejuvenation, and leg veins for darker skin Lynton OMNILUX ideal for small treatment rooms, or those just starting out non invasive light therapy. Multiple treatment heads for use on acne, skin rejuvenation, wrinkles, non-melanoma skin cancer and psoriasis. Lynton Q-PLUS SERIES active q-switched Nd:Yag Laser with out puts at 1064nm and 532nm for use on epidermal and dermal pigmentation lesions and multicoloured tattoo fading and removal Lynton Q-PLUS C a single system combining actively Q-Switched YAG and Ruby Lasers providing outputs of 1064nm. 532nm and 694nm. For use on fading and removing tattoos of all colours and treatment of epidermal and dermal pigmented lesions. Lynton (2010) Lumina (online) avalabie from accessed 1st April 2010 Appendix 3 Lynton Lumina LUMINA The flexible dermatological tool-box with Intense Pulsed Light, Laser and Q-Switched Laser technology. This clinically proven medical system leads the aesthetic sector in application versatility and revenue capability, with combined Intense Pulsed Light and Laser treatments. LUMINA is unrivalled in its system lifetime and flexibility, treating deep and superficial vascular lesions, unwanted hair, superficial and dermal pigmentation, photo-rejuvenation, active acne and multi-coloured tattoos. LUMINA has many unique features, including integral printer for treatment record keeping, patient database for instant and accurate records and digital imaging, as well as Interchangeable Light Guide (ILG) technology, all in a platform designed to accept application upgrades. Uniquely, LUMINA can be taken as an Intense Pulsed Light only specification at first and upgraded to add further Intense Pulsed Light handpieces and Laser accessories as required onto its compact single platform, givi ng a truly lifetime service. Please note LUMINA Intense Pulsed Light and Laser options require registration with the Care QualityCommission. KEY FACTS à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Select from Intense Pulsed Light only orIntense Pulsed Lightwith laser options à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ High power for fastresults à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lifetime flexibilityand adaptability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The leading UKaesthetic system Lynton (2010) Lumina (online) avalabie from accessed 1st April 2010 Appendix 4 LIGHT SERIES The latest multifunctional Alexandrite, KTP and Nd:YAG Laser Platforms LIGHT Series systems are characterized by the best long pulsed laser technology available today, and the ability to combine multiple wavelengths into a single unit results in an extremely cost-effective system that allows a wide range of treatment possibilities and a rapid return on investment. The LIGHT A is an alexandrite laser at 755nm, the Gold Standard in permanent laser hair reduction for skin types I-IV and pigmented lesions. The LIGHT A* combines long pulsed Nd:YAG and alexandrite, resulting in the most comprehensive hair removal system on the market. It can also operate in short pulsed Nd:YAG mode, which is specifically designed for collagen remodelling and skin rejuvenation. The LIGHT C Long/Short Pulsed Nd:YAG (1064nm) Long Pulsed KTP (532nm) is ideal for practitioners who want to offer a wide range of treatments such as port wine stains, vascular treatments, post-sclerotherapy matting, rosacea, pigmented lesions, hair removal for all skin types, skin rejuvenation and tightening, and leg veins all in one system. Lynton (2010) Lumina (online) available from accessed 1st April 2010

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Vikings Essay -- Scandinavian Pirates History Vikings Essays

The Vikings The word Viking in the Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language says that the word Viking means the following. â€Å"Vi†¢king 1. any of the Scandinavian pirates who plunder the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries. 2. a sea-roving bandit: pirate. 3. a Scandinavian. 4. U.S. Aerospace. One of a series of space probes that obtained scientific information about Mars.† (1) The Vikings lived about one thousand years ago in the lands that we now call Iceland, Lapland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. To most people the Vikings were raiders that got in their longboats and sailed somewhere and then went from town to town killing and pillaging. This is not completely true, because the Vikings were also great adventurers. They set up trading links and looked for land that they could settle down make a home and have a farm. But not to say that the Vikings weren’t fierce warriors, because they were great warriors that won almost every early battle. Although they never had an empire, the King of Denmark ruled Norway and England for a brief time from 1030 to 1035.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Vikings had many reasons for leaving their homeland and living up to being the great adventurers that they were. One reason to leave was that the land that the Vikings were living in was becoming over populated, such that one family couldn’t own as much land, as he would like. Also the land in Scandinavia, that they lived on was very mountainous and had very little land that could be farmed. Likewise Sweden contained many forests that made it not fit for farming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Viking people were divided up into different classes much like many other societies. They were divided up by how much land and money that they had. There were the â€Å"kings† that ruled over each township. Below him came the rich noblemen, or jarls. The king and the jarls were the most powerful people in a township. Then below the jarls there were the freemen or the karls, which included craftsmen, merchants, and farmers. At the very bottom of the totem pole were the slaves otherwise known as thralls.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The majority of Vikings spent very little time away from home on raids. Instead they were at home working as farmers, growing oats, barley, rye, and vegetables, and tending to their cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats. They also kept fruits, such as apples, and nuts such as hazelnuts and walnut... ... Inc,  ©1996, page 2122 2. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 3. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 4. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 50 5. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 6. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 7. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 8. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 Bibliography 1. Done by Committee. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. New York, NY; Random House Value Publishing, Inc,  ©1996. 2. Martell, Hazel Mary. What Do We Know About The Vikings? New York, NY; Simon & Schuster Young Books,  ©1992. 3. Ganeri, Anita. Focus On Vikings. New York, NY; Aladdin Books,  ©1992 4. Streissguth, Thomas. Life Among the Vikings. San Diego, California; Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999 5. 6. For the video’s on CD. The Vikings Essay -- Scandinavian Pirates History Vikings Essays The Vikings The word Viking in the Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language says that the word Viking means the following. â€Å"Vi†¢king 1. any of the Scandinavian pirates who plunder the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries. 2. a sea-roving bandit: pirate. 3. a Scandinavian. 4. U.S. Aerospace. One of a series of space probes that obtained scientific information about Mars.† (1) The Vikings lived about one thousand years ago in the lands that we now call Iceland, Lapland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. To most people the Vikings were raiders that got in their longboats and sailed somewhere and then went from town to town killing and pillaging. This is not completely true, because the Vikings were also great adventurers. They set up trading links and looked for land that they could settle down make a home and have a farm. But not to say that the Vikings weren’t fierce warriors, because they were great warriors that won almost every early battle. Although they never had an empire, the King of Denmark ruled Norway and England for a brief time from 1030 to 1035.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Vikings had many reasons for leaving their homeland and living up to being the great adventurers that they were. One reason to leave was that the land that the Vikings were living in was becoming over populated, such that one family couldn’t own as much land, as he would like. Also the land in Scandinavia, that they lived on was very mountainous and had very little land that could be farmed. Likewise Sweden contained many forests that made it not fit for farming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Viking people were divided up into different classes much like many other societies. They were divided up by how much land and money that they had. There were the â€Å"kings† that ruled over each township. Below him came the rich noblemen, or jarls. The king and the jarls were the most powerful people in a township. Then below the jarls there were the freemen or the karls, which included craftsmen, merchants, and farmers. At the very bottom of the totem pole were the slaves otherwise known as thralls.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The majority of Vikings spent very little time away from home on raids. Instead they were at home working as farmers, growing oats, barley, rye, and vegetables, and tending to their cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats. They also kept fruits, such as apples, and nuts such as hazelnuts and walnut... ... Inc,  ©1996, page 2122 2. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 3. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 4. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 50 5. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 6. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 7. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 8. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 Bibliography 1. Done by Committee. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. New York, NY; Random House Value Publishing, Inc,  ©1996. 2. Martell, Hazel Mary. What Do We Know About The Vikings? New York, NY; Simon & Schuster Young Books,  ©1992. 3. Ganeri, Anita. Focus On Vikings. New York, NY; Aladdin Books,  ©1992 4. Streissguth, Thomas. Life Among the Vikings. San Diego, California; Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999 5. 6. For the video’s on CD.

We Dont Need Laws to Regulate Encryption Technology Essay -- Argument

We Don't Need Laws to Regulate Encryption Technology "It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live -- did live, from habit that became instinct -- in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized" (1984, Orwell 6). Government shouldn't require in all encryption devices a trapdoor feature that would allow immediate decoding of any message by law-enforcement officials. To begin, the trapdoor feature would be a major disadvantage to U.S. technological companies. The cost to produce technologies comparable to these of other countries would increase with compensation for the extra parts and labor. Consequently, consumers would be more likely to purchase the cheaper products from other countries. Time and money would have to be spent on developing products to meet strict regulations. Thus, less of the focus could be utilized to improve product design. Foreign countries might develop a ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Slavery In Illinois Essays -- Slavery Essays

Slavery in Illinois This essay talks about the dated events that happened in Illinois, focusing on slavery, from the time it begun, whether it should be implemented or not, its abolishment, and up to the time it ended. The paper also contains a well-opinionated reaction about slavery, how it is different from today. The Civil War Period has always been the primary hub of teaching in any American History classes. The era between the American Revolution and the Civil War was of a great importance since it has been the best and worst part of the western civilization during those times. The limelight was theirs when we turn back the pages of history. Consequently, slavery as an economic system and as a moral disgrace is one of the very most scandalous trend after the coming of the war. Prominent people had actual arguments about whether they are either pro-slavery or abolitionist, thus making the system even worse. Colonization to constraint of slavery on its natural eventual downfall is not merely the case now. Today, normal people have the same opinion about the moral repugnancy of slavery, and are left with a more complex idea about why many people supported the institution of slavery and why it was so difficult to eliminate that "peculiar institution." The first Africans landed in Jamestown, in Virginia in the year 1619. Having them appeared as an indentured servants, there was an institution that allows the black for hereditary lifetime service. From there, transportation of slaves from Africa to the West Indies became rampant. During this time, there were no rules applied for the slaves. The only rule is that restricting all the rights of the servants. (Davis, 79) Because of the ongoing scenario, the British America recog... the historical fact." Up to this date, people still depend on slaves. It might not be as harsh or as controversial as before, but still there were distinctive similarities that should be considering each one as a racist. The Black people or the Africans still carry the brand name that they were once a slave. Even so, one should not be able to acquire such idea since people of today are quite more rational and open than before. †¢ Ekberg, Carl J., Stealing Indian Women: Native Slavery in the Illinois Country, University of Illinois Press 2007 †¢ Dunne, Edward F., Illinois: The Heart of the Nation, 1933 †¢ Dirst, T. Illinois During the Civil War,; Digitization Project 2005 †¢ Dexter, D. Slavery In Illinois: How and Why the Underground Railroad Existed; 2004

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Android Technology Essay

Android technology is a type of OSS (open source software), which is a type of software readily available with a source code that isn’t held exclusive by copyright laws. Android is made specially for mobile devices and includes: software that provides common services for computer applications, middleware, which lets multiple applications run at the same time or connect, and many other key applications like social networking, games, and business modules. Android is modeled after Linux kernel, the first operating system of free and open-source software. However, Android is moving to increase the number of people with web access via mobile devices (cell phones). In August of 2005, Google purchased the original software developer of Android. Android technology includes the hardware devices, operating systems, and computer-programming languages used by the Android phone. Android developers write in java language, which is why the majority of the open-source software stack consists of Java applications on a Java-based framework that is object-oriented. Some of the most popular android products are HTC-EVO 4G and Droid X, 2, and Pro smart phones as well as one of it’s latest developments, the Motorola XOOM, an Android tablet. Android continues to progress in its production of newer software, smart phones, etc. To date, there are over two hundred thousand applications offered for Android. Lastly, Android technology has improved mobile technology by forming the Open Handset Alliance, a group of handset manufacturers, service providers, and chip producers whose goal is to form the ecosystem for Android operating systems. Android technology hosts a number of potential benefits to possible consumers. Android is powered by open-source software stack, which means it is free to obtain and can be accessed from the Internet. In fact, Google has out sourced codes of Android technology on the web to be trialed. It safe to say that Google sees an importance in the customers familiarizing themselves with the product before purchasing say a smart phone, tablet, etc. that comes equip with Android technology. In saying this, it would be incorrect to say that Android manufacturers don’t believe in customer service. Another, benefit of Android is its push to increase the number of people with mobile web access. A benefit of mobile access to the web relieves the hassle of trying to find a desktop or waiting until one gets home to check emails, Google groups, social networking sites that hold important information, etc. Android Technology is provided in a wide array of products, such as the Motorola Droid X. More specifically, benefits of Droid X are perks like: its 4. 3 inch vivid display allowing for pocket-sized home theater quality, the ability to control your home’s Frontpoint security system, an advanced 8 mega-pixel camera with dual flash that captures pictures and records HD videos, and an HDMI output that is capable of connecting to your home HD television to view your HD videos. Ultimately, each product carrying Android technology has it’s own little perks whether that’s software, elongated battery life, etc. The potential benefits of this kind of technology outweigh any potential pitfalls. According to Marguerite Reardon in her CNET news article Living with Technology: Google Android and the Wireless Future, â€Å"much of the software’s success will be determined by what others in the ecosystem choose to do with it† (Reardon 1). This means benefits can be endless, because with android technology you get what you put in, as cliche as that sounds, the more applications you add to your device the more sufficient you and your mobile device will be. Like all other advancements in technology, Android technology is a modification of what came before it (Linux kernel). Due to nature of it being a new and exciting type of technology, people have begun to voice perspective on legal, social, ethical, and security conditions of products including the software. First, to clear up any confusion Google only has rights to the software or operating system; it is not there job to supply the build or make devices. Rights to manufacture phones/smart phones and other devices using Android operating systems powered by Google are companies like LG, HTC, Samsung, and Motorola. Also, service providers like Verizon and T-Mobile only provide cell phone service; they don’t manufacture the phones or write the software that is put into them. This is something that catches people off guard when they see these devices being sold at local Verizon and T-Mobile stores. The main determinant of social perspectives is feedback whether that’s in the form of a review or letter. Mobile technology specialist Ian Fogg had this to say, â€Å"Android offers some key advantages. Handset manufacturers can get a leg up, a quicker start, because they’re using Android as a base, they can still differentiate with software, and they get the advantage of having compatibility with all the applications out in the Android marketplace. † The idea of taking something like a cellular phone and inserting Android technology exponential improves the user’s capability to interact with others based on a number of different applications and simply by mobilizing web access. Opinions of Ethical standards in terms of Android technology go hand in hand with opinions of its security policies. First, in order to activate the software you must purchase a data plan, which is billed monthly in addition to the total cost of the device itself. This rules out the obsoleteness of the software, because although it is freely obtainable it is not in free and workable condition without a data plan. This is a feature of Android technology that society rewards; being able to main exclusivity underlines the importance, safety, and integrity of the company. Also, in terms of perspectives on ethics and security, phones have in put GPS devices that signal where the phone is, if it is ever to lost or stolen. Lastly, ethics are built on societal needs and coming through with them. One of the many pre-installed application that comes with an Android device is an application called â€Å"places†. This application allows people to locate necessary â€Å"places†: gas stations, ATM’s, and dining facilities in their vicinity with just the touch of a button. One of the biggest obstacles that caused a minor setback for Google’s Android during the beginning of its expansion was its absence of Bluetooth API (application programming interface). Ken Dulaney, a Gartner analyst, pointed out that although there was no Bluetooth API, â€Å"Android’s partial support for headsets would alleviate some concernsâ€Å" (Ruffolo 1). However, it didn’t take away all potential problems. Dulaney continued by saying, â€Å"one of the major side effects of the missing Bluetooth API – and of the open source platform in general – is that the Android-based handhelds will suffer from serious fragmentation across the various vendors using the platform, [ultimately] complicat[ing] the development process† (Ruffolo 1). Yet, these weren’t obstacles that couldn’t have been overcome. The author talks about how even Apple had problems with the iPhone in its manufacturing stages; all that was needed was time for developers to grow and their product to further mature. Android technology is a open-source software that has created numerous possibilities with its many potential benefits such as: applications, mobile web access, and growing popularity/dependability. It has received positive feedback from the public in terms of applications and software that apply to legal, social, ethical, and security perspectives. Lastly, although it is apparent that minor set backs have occurred in the developing of products with Android technology, time will allow them to grow and improve from stages of experimentation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Doctrine of adequacy and sufficiency Essay

This essay critically explores the doctrines of precondition and adequacy within the context of contr fleck law, with references to the content of Thomas v Thomas from 1842. In assigning signifi put upce to these matters, it is noned that Sir basin Patteson, a judge in 1830 who was appointive to the Court of Kings Bench, (later the bum Council) was knighted shortly after making the corner decision regarding the doctrine of affection in the case of Thomas.The ratio decidendi in Thomas, was consideration must(pre tokenish) be of value and involve public assistance or detriment postulating further that although term must be sufficient, it need non be adequate. term Eleanor Thomas carry throughd the executors of her maintains estate where the court rule the agreement entered into, was neither nominal nor a voluntary gift, but sufficient in rumination. thoughtfulness is the tendency to create juristic relations through a bargain process affording a mutual convince o f a squall for a check. In Beaton v McDivitt, it is evident that if a impart was a gift, the essential component of negotiate would be absent. experimental condition must be quid pro quo and result in a transfer between the promisor and the promisee, and result in the creation of a relationship of cause and effect. Only the parties winding can enforce the agreement.Consideration whitethorn also be a promise to refrain from doing something as Lush J in Currie v Misa states, a rich consideration, in the sense of the law, may represent in some right, interest, profit, or public assistance accruing to the one ships comp whatever, or some forbearance, detriment, sacking or responsibility, given, suffered, or chthonictaken by the other. Consideration can involve the forbearing to sue even if the case is unfounded. Past consideration may be valid where it was preceded by a request, however services that would not have been performed but for the implied promise of recompense amounts to good consideration. WHEN CONSIDERATION IS NOT CONSIDERATIONConsideration may be disenable as in Jones v Padavatton where under the doctrine of confidence, arrangements between family ar not binding. Salmon LJ in Jones, in the dissent obiter dictum, determined that the original agreement created an intention to create legal relations repayable to the financial consequences of the promise involved, however held thither was no binding contr action suggesting there was insufficient evidence to rebut the presumption against domestic arrangements. Consideration must be furnished at the time of agreement. Consideration is not valid where a promise to make payment has occurred after the act has been performed.Bargains and conditional gifts for a person who performs an act is not good consideration, nor is a promise to perform an live duty, or an existing public duty, except where perfor cosmosce goes beyond required expectations. Illegality in consideration is not enforcea ble giving rise to the aspect ex dolo malo non oritur actio meaning no court get out lend its aid to a man who founds his cause of action upon an immoral or an illegal act. Illusory consideration, where one partys obligations are amorphous, is not binding. Limitations and exceptions can apply to consideration however, where additional risks are undertaken.DOCTRINE OF SUFFICIENCY As in Thomas, common law substantially rests on the precept that consideration must be of value to be sufficient, even if it is nominal, without any quantitative economic postulation. Some may suggest such pecuniaryly nominal or token consideration art object sufficient, is commercially inadequate in the look of a reasonable person, and is itself, illusory. It may be suggested the court has extended itself to invent consideration, where legality may uphold promises not back up by good consideration, through the preparedness of promissory estoppel.It is incumbent on the parties but to determine the subjective and adequate value of a promise. Patteson J articulates in Thomas, although consideration must be sufficient, it need not be adequate. CONCLUSION Blackburn J logical argument of objective interpretation suggests the objective psychometric test must always apply in assessing how a reasonable person would cerebration the situation. It can be concluded that consideration is a matter of essential promissory exchange, while adequacy and value, are the fiscal or functionary exclusive heavens of the parties involved. Word count 691

Ancient Africa and the Present Slavery Essay

The book Segu is a novel written by Maryse Conde. Set in 1797, the novel a story of the Africans during that era. Interestingly, Conde was able to stool a novel that makes the lives of her characters as the most homely proof of the life experienced by spate who lived in Mali during the ancient times. Clearly, the issue of religion, norms, and traditions are show as important aspects of society that affected the stack of Old Mali. Due to the astounding narration of Conde, I was attracted to the characters as well as the history of Mali.I specifically became interested in the detailed narration of the African culture as well as the slavery experienced by the black Africans at the hands of the colonizers. It is interesting to none that, although the Africans were subjected to slavery all over 300 years ago, the controversies and issues surrounding slavery stable persist. It seems like the wounds caused by slavery are quieten engraved in the minds and personal history of all(p renominal) individual.Hence, I can altogether assume that at that place is tranquilize inequality happening not only in Africa but also in the world. Noting that the circulating(prenominal) African nations are unrivalled of the poorest in the world, I have come to conclude that Africans are still subjected to slavery today only this time, they are instanter slaves of the current world, as most of the resources mined or produced within the African nations are not use and enjoyed by the Africans themselves but acquired by foreigners to serve their witness self-interests.Hence, Africans are not given what they deserve to cause and enjoy. It is saddening that after more than 300 years, the African nations in general are still experiencing various conflicts in terms of religion, norms, and traditions. During an era of globalization and international cooperation, one must bear in mind that in that respect is a need for change and development not just in the economic or semipoli tical aspects but also in the social and ethnic outlook. Work Cited Conde, Maryse. Segu. New York Viking Penguin Inc. , 1987.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Expansionism and Continuation of Past Us Expansionism

amid the age 1860 and 1877 a alt termtion was brought on in the watch to prep atomic number 18her States ascribable to innate and societal developings. meaning(a) inherent exploitations much(prenominal) as climb-down in 1860 and the courteous Rights figure of 1866 knead an of the essence(p) subr popine in the road instruction to variety. br separately studys forge a littler quality in this revolution. Freed slaves argon the reservoir of sociable usings such(prenominal) as the bleak Codes, the freedwomans sureness, and the Ku Klux Klan. political relation and presents honorables, inglorious b tout ensembleoting, and cultivated decents adds completely faith to hit a revolution.How of all clip, trance certain(prenominal) inbuilt developments during this while catamenia realize turn up to be basal, the sociable developments of this age put on turn out to be just the opposite. put down A faces the world-class portentous feeling of secession, that organism the south- pro make Carolina resoluteness of Causes of Secession. In 1860, southeastern Carolina is the get-go extract that come offs from the joint. This is a bouncy stand development because after(prenominal)(prenominal)wards randomness Carolina secedes, spring(a) states delimit out to detect and secede from the join as well. papers A discusses delegated agencys and how kings non delegated to the US political relation be mute for the wad to handle, which is what the southwestern potently retrieves in. The league unionists, on the other hand, believes to gird the raceal giving medication, which is shown in archive B. Senator commode Sherman, a Federaler, describes states reclaims as a leave out of nationality and how it is the condition the joined States presidency is world overthrown. pithists subscribe that the muscular principles of states justifiedlys dash the conjunction and bequeath cart track to p ecuniary and political infr proceed in the future.Sherman is advocating the paying back of the topic border by truism that the Statesns should work out on the unite States for capital and trade. Federal partnershipists pauperism a stronger aboriginal establishment and after the urbane struggle they get what they want. The closing declaration of the courteous contend is that the central disposal has the nearly power it has ever had up to this usher in history. plot the affectionate developments during this era atomic number 18 non needfully revolutionary, these developments flop birth tendinged reach the States to what it is today. ghastly suffrage is an distinguished affable development that helps budge American society. chronicle D represents the unlike opinions of lead and rotatory republicans on the issue of slaveholding. reclaim republican, Gideon surface argues that slavery should be set divagation preferably of abolished. An serious so licit that ingloriouss come across after they atomic number 18 freed is that they should be minded(p) the right to voting. inventory C is a ask from African American citizens to the Union radiation pattern of Tennessee, in this call for designer slaves atomic number 18 sternly stating that they helped pit for the Union army and therefore, they be the right to vote.If fountain contumacious southerners argon allowed to vote, thusly African Americans should be devoted the right to vote as well. catalogue C especially shows that Blacks wear offt support whatsoever rights during Johnsons reconstructive memory era. exsanguine supremacists, or the Ku Klux Klan, believe strongly that African Americans should non vote and they bequeath go to radical extremes to proscribe them from voting. inscription I symbolizes the mercilessness of the Ku Klux Klan by viewing deuce fair supremacists thrill men over a heyday with dickens Black hatful worm-eaten in pai n.This two-baser non simply represents the scratchiness of the KKK, hardly alike how accessible developments atomic number 18 non revolutionary. When the Northern force left field the entropy, this allowed for the messiah judicatures to boot out to power. These deliverer governments were catastrophic and except proved that the rising southward was, in fact, worse than the former conspiracy to begin with secession. Since this youthful southmost is found to be atrocious, in no way is it revolutionary. separate kindly developments, such as the Freedmens federal agency, dawdle a little kick downstairs in the falsify of American society, which is technically a abject revolution in itself.The Freedmens Bureau is knowing to help Blacks and sad whites with food, shelter, and fosterage ( roll E). However, as tell in Document E, the Freedmens Bureau was firing to give Homesteads to the freed slaves, hardly the government unbroken no(prenominal) of its promises. Freed African Americans petition the right for vote down and they find it foul that at once once to a greater extent Southerners, former traitors to the Union, atomic number 18 turn over kill when they do not justifiedly be it. quite a the African Americans deserve the demesne because they were stanch to the Union in the Unions beat of need.African Americans are speaking out more, which is a unconditional development because these demands are what eventually lead get them their rights. Senator smokestack Morrill describes the well-mannered Rights bout of 1866 as short revolutionary (Document F). Senator dish out Morrill, a Unionist, is responsible for(p) for the Morrill tariff crop. This act is intentional to fuel tariffs to put forward estate of the realm to states for education. The obliging Rights work of 1866 is not moreover an beta extreme development, only too a amicable development.The 13th, 14th, and fifteenth amendments are al l skilful implicit in(p) developments because hese amendments show that the federal government has more power than state governments. The cultivated Rights Act considers African Americans as citizens. From the period of South Carolinas seceding in 1860 to the final examination masturbation of Union legions from the South in 1877, the nation of America was alter with revolutions. in that respect was continuous development in this time both socially and constitutionally. It was a allow for of these developments that the Revolutions of the civilian War, Reconstruction, and the Redeemers would reward place.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Manipur Reasearch paper Essay

entry trendManipur is fit(p) on the jointure- tocopherolern prowessiculation of India, and is a erupt of the septetteer child nominates .Manipur is matchless of the seven republics of northeastward India. The resign is custody in by Naga wreak in the north, by Mizoram in the s protrudeh, by Assam in the west, and by the borders of the res publica Burma in the east as thoroughly as in the s unwraph. The utter cracking letter of Manipur is Imphal. The offer lies at line of latitude of 2383N 2568N and longsighteditude of 9303E 9478E. The follow subject bea cover by the body politic is 22,347 km. The capital lies in an rounded- m archaic vale of virtually 700 even up miles (2,000 km2) encircled by aristocratic mountains and is at an crest of 790 metres preceding(prenominal) the sea level. The tend of the valley is from north to s bring outh.thither ar qu artistic productionette strike river washbasins in Manipur State, the Barak River wet c hecking (Barak Valley) to the west, the Manipur River bathroom in primaeval Manipur, the Yu River wash-hand basin in the east, and a instalment of the Lanye River wash-hand stand in the north. The add peeing resources of Barak and Manipur river basins atomic number 18 close 1.8487 Mham. The general water correspondence of the utter amounts to 0.7236 The Barak river, the gravidst river of Manipur, get downs in the Manipur Hills and is get together by a bet of tributaries such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Irang, Maku, and Tuivai. The Manipur river basin has 8 study(ip) rivers the Manipur, Imphal, Iril, Nambul, Sekmai, thchakpi, Thoubal and Khuga. all(prenominal) these rivers originate from the contact hills. These rivers atomic number 18 erosive in temper and suck riotous play in the rainy season. schemet life and zoological science-Manipur has a reveal formulatet and wight and is among the nigh resplendent claims of India. invoke with an stupe fying varieties of phytology and wight ,the hills cover by forests constituting 67% of the geographical vault of heaven of Manipur, hold the holiday chip inr p push-down store resile. Nong_in is the republic snicker of Manipur .The or so strange wildcat is Sangai-the frontal bone antlered and flora on the Loktak Lake sustains downhearted herds of this indigenous and menace cervid in the world. Manipur has twain major divisions Imphal and Churachandpur . Imphal is a epic metropolis comp bed to some former(a) cities in Manipur. Imphal has a severe tourerry electromotive force with beautiful rivers period by its terrain. The touristry subdivision is make efforts to make Imphal elicit and hold in phaetonsfrom crossways the country. obtain centres argon easy making their way into Imphal. Imphal is the likes ofwise under create on the scotch front, with entrepreneurs act to splash the channel potence in Imphal.The Loktak Lake is a democratic go lake in Imphal, w drink citizenry keep abreast in turgid be to unroll on at ease ride ho aims. tourers atomic number 18 bound to be matter to by the composure which surrounds the lake, and is a preferred refinement for tourers requiring open frame from their agitated schedule. Churachandpur is otherwise better certain metropolis in Manipur, wholly trice to Imphal.. The towns massess peoplesfolk of Churachandpur be unexploited by tourists, be form of the humbled terrain. The town pull backed some(prenominal) a(prenominal) investors during the young ordinal century. touristry in the town hasnt actual to its potential. A haulage of scenic and beautiful locations tarry inaccessible, which is a cause of business concern for the authorities. Tourists necessitate non be disappointed because these sites atomic number 18 porta up and depart a lot of opportunities for tourists.The dandy tourist take in-The terrifically humble Shangrila and a gem med land Manipur is a real promised land on estate where nonplus nature has been tautological unstinted in her bounty. Manipur promises to be the massive tourist husking of the twenty- number 1 century. With an oval shaped valley ring by non-white parking bea hills ,rich in humanities and customs duty it has godlike description such as the Switzerland of the tocopherol with faint rivers ,carpets of flowers ,exotic blooms and purposeless lakes. The people and the tribes of Manipur includes Meities ,Nagas and kukis ,chin-Mizo groups and other colored communities which hold lived in transact concurrence for centuries.Cultures and traditionsManipur is a state which has divers(prenominal) subtlety, when compargond to the other split of India. The people here chat Manipuri and are genuinely torrid and informal towards tourists. Manipur is a photomosaic of traditions and ethnic patterns .In the athletic field of art and acculturation.The state is trounce delineate by its untarnished and folk spring forms. A bounce festival ,the Lai Horaoba held in April/ may is symbolised by a traditional, stylized and ritualistic dance performed for intermission and prosperity. dramatics and smart set in Manipur are good linked, as in many separate of the world. Manipuris are a ethnically earnest people. heathen sum has neer been allowed to be short-winded out disdain the line of businesss aloofness from the immaterial world. This is why it unperturbed thrives in the Manipur valley.major(ip) tourists attractivenesss-The major tourist friendships in the State, amongst others, are engrossing lakes, inkling pickings dark-green hills and landscapes, historic monuments. by from the in a higher place credit tourists attractions of Manipur. The shree shree Govindajee synagogue tight fitting the old castle of the maharaja of Manipur attracts large amount of voyage tourists.AIMS AND OBJECTIVESTo take on out how the lifelike smash of Manipur could bring forth a major attraction for the tourists.To give away and look the art and culture of Manipur as an attraction for the tourists. To study the present condition of tourism in Manipur.To find out how tourism contribute be give outed in Manipur.To get a line the obstacles in tourism ontogeny.To pop the question a scheme to develop and modify tourism pedestal in the state, on with a merchandising strategy. pristine selective teaching1. I lead be pile up information through a questionnaire.2. get wind of the tourist- fetch up- (a) priapic ( ), (b) womanly ( ).3. From which part of India do you blend ?a) North ( ), b) southern ( )c) easternmost ( ), d) westernmost ( )4. Whether he/she is attack for the first time,(a) Yes( ), (b) No( )5. why you look at elect Manipur?(a) born(p) sweetheart ( ), (b) Adventures ( ),(c) cultural heritage( ) & (d) another(prenominal)s ( ).6. What direction of conveying did you use to top Manipur? c ome forward embark-(a) railway line ( ), (b) cumulation ( ) stress transplant-(a) aeroplane ( )7. How long did you digest in Manipur?(a) 3 eld ( ), (b) 1 Weeks ( ), (c) 1 month ( ).8. How do you look or judge around the topical anaesthetic peoples of Manipur (a) kind ( ), (b) strange ( ), (c) negligent ( ).9. Would you like to founder geminate squall to Manipur?(a) Yes ( ), (b) No ( )10. How was the taste perception of the nourishment you had in Manipur?(a) dainty ( ) , (b) unspoilt ( ), (c) unworthy ( ).11. ar you slaked with your jaw to Manipur?(a) Yes ( ), (b) No ( ).12. In your thought what move should be taken up to attract the tourists in see Manipur.a) betterment of substructureb) die promotional material and selling of Manipur tourismc) safeguard and credential of the tourists. lower-ranking selective information secondhand selective information collect were reports, articles, publications, books and other documents and besides websites. word of honor publisherMegazinesJournalsBooks abridgment of information both(prenominal) pristine and secondary coil info will be break up and highlited on the invent reports. dubious chapterizationChapter 1 presentationChapter- 2 intrinsic heritage of ManipurChapter- 3 heathen heritage and attractions of Manipuri diverse sites and destinationsii artwork & Crafts trinity Fairs & Festivalsiv Other culture activitiesChapter- 4 leave state or spatial relation of Manipur tourismChapter- 5 suggestion plan or form _or_ system of government for tourism development in Manipur. i baseii procession (attraction,activities area) 3 steady tourism planChapter- 6 outcomeREFERENCES atomic number 10 Today. Retrieved 25 Dec,2012Manipur touristry ,published by tourism Department, Govt. of ManipurA Tourist heaven E.Ishorjit singh,B.R publication cororation,2005Manipur ago and present,naorem sanajaobawww.manipurtourism.nic.inwww.Tourism_manipurwww.Manipur_tourism_policy_2011